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The Medicine

What are you afraid of? That is what you must face.

What we can name, we can heal.

Identify the false head chatter that keeps you in a shame bind. This starts you on the journey of championing your inner wounded child.

This simple exercise breaks down the false narrative:

Take a piece of paper and divide it in two columns.

In the first column, write the false names and negative head chatter....till it repeats (there will be an end). In the second column write truth and two proofs, and an affirmation about it.

E.g., LIE "I'm stupid" ------ TRUTH/PROOF I graduated from college, I was head of my dept. I am competent, teachable capable.

Do this till you have challenged all the lies on the

paper. Then sitting before a mirror as if talking to your inner child, Say the following:

"They said you're stupid, but the truth is you were head of your dept. and graduated college, You're competent, capable, and teachable."

Go through each one aloud making eye contact with yourself.

Then make affirmations (I am statements) and put them around your home to remind you of your true magnificence.

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